Who we are
Shraderland Designs is a part of Jupiter67, a company founded by Dan & Jessie Shrader to encompass all of their various projects. Shraderland Designs was created as a way for Jessie to create and share her decal designs.
Where’d the name Jupiter67 come from?
At the time of becoming a company, Jupiter had 67 moons - that’s it. We know, we’re geeks.
What’s up with the weird Shraderland Designs logo?
Have you seen images of the Great Red Spot on Jupiter? Google it if you don’t remember! All of the logos under Jupiter67 have a similar theme and since we cut vinyl, the logo for Shraderland Designs has a pair of scissors cutting the Great Red Spot!
Where do we ship?
Currently, a majority of our decals ship to the US only. However, our North America Trackers ship to Mexico and Canada. We have plans for expanding all decals to all of North America in the coming months.
Who works at Shraderland Designs?
Maker, designer, shipper, and marketer at Shraderland Designs. If you purchase a decal from us, Jessie made it and sent it out. Her favorite hobby is reading and her favorite food is sushi.
Computer genius. You like the website? Thank Dan. He’s the computer guru for the company. You don’t like the website? Blame Dan. His favorite hobby is putzing around and his favorite food is Pho Bo (Google it if you’ve never heard of it!).
Just a heads up, we use Google Analytics to find out where traffic on our site is from. We don’t keep any of this data and we anonymize the IP address.